bárbara luci carvalho


Bár­bara Luci Car­val­ho is a dancer, actress, per­for­mance artist, lec­tur­er for the­atre and dance, and part of the col­lec­tive Anta­gon The­at­er­AK­Tion. She was the artis­tic pro­gram cura­tor of the Som­mer­w­erft – Inter­na­tionales The­ater Fes­ti­val and, for the past 4 years, has been the artis­tic direc­tor of the Inter­na­tion­al Wom­ens’ The­ater Fes­ti­val. Car­val­ho devel­ops projects based on Afro-Brazil­ian and con­tem­po­rary dance, per­for­mance, and dance theater.


“The coro­na virus acts like a mag­ni­fy­ing glass, in both the Ger­man and world­wide con­text, on the lives of black women and on their cur­rent resis­tance against struc­tur­al racism. It also expos­es the exis­tence of vio­lence and the right to life. In a broad­er socio-polit­i­cal con­text, the black woman’s body is thus faced with the con­stant chal­lenge of rewrit­ing new read­ings of its his­to­ry and con­tem­po­rary experience.”


With her work Cor­pus Mun­di – Stay Home… I’m safe in my body Bár­bara tries to artis­ti­cal­ly explore the move­ments of her own body as home. In this con­text, she defines the body as home­land, cul­ture, fam­i­ly, and tra­di­tion all at the same time. Her dance is to be under­stood as an auto­bi­o­graph­i­cal nar­ra­tive that tran­scends geo­graph­i­cal and aes­thet­ic bar­ri­ers. She is pre­sent­ing her Cor­pus Mun­di per­for­mance in an effort to decon­struct the expe­ri­ence of racism and trans­form it into col­lec­tive eman­ci­pa­tion. Through her per­for­mance, Cav­al­ho reports on the expe­ri­ences of an Afro-descen­dent female body.

Foto: Katha­ri­na Dubno

web residency

Cor­pus Mundi

artist talks