maayan danoch

tel aviv

Maayan Danoch is a dancer, chore­o­g­ra­ph­er, and per­for­mance artist. Her work is based on human inter­ac­tion, touch, and phys­i­cal close­ness — in groups and through her body. Space, time, image, and move­ment are her artis­tic mate­r­i­al. She exam­ines cer­tain rela­tion­ship con­stel­la­tions and how the per­cep­tion of the view­er can be rad­i­cal­ly changed through sub­tle modifications.


“The reg­u­la­tions emerg­ing from the pan­dem­ic man­age­ment – phys­i­cal dis­tanc­ing, lim­it­ed gath­er­ings, avoid­ing touch – rad­i­cal­ly trans­formed my work and its con­di­tions. Bod­i­ly prac­tices, per­for­mances, and oth­er pub­lic events which take place with­in a group are being trans­ferred to an online for­mat and, there­fore, their innate social dimen­sion is being tremen­dous­ly reduced and neglected.”


In the form of an exper­i­ment, Maayan Danoch uses her inter­ac­tive video per­for­mance Telepa­thy Works to inves­ti­gate whether the vir­tu­al space can be a home for her prac­tices and per­for­mances. How do the real­i­ties of vir­tu­al spaces affect her per­for­mance and chore­o­graphed work? The per­for­mance Leg­ging is an inter­me­di­al project based on the inter­ac­tion between video pro­jec­tion and live per­for­mance. With both works, Maayan Danoch explores the rela­tion­ship between image, space, and move­ment and reflects on how men­tal and phys­i­cal expres­sion changes when peo­ple are depen­dent on dia­logue with themselves.

Foto: Maayan Danoch

web residency

Telepa­thy Works

artist talks