naama roth

tel aviv

Naa­ma Roth is a visu­al artist work­ing main­ly with instal­la­tion and site-spe­cif­ic works. The start­ing point of her cre­ative process is often the space itself: ele­ments such as win­dows or doors as well as invis­i­ble aspects such as cer­tain his­tor­i­cal and polit­i­cal con­texts. Many of her works are bio­graph­i­cal­ly inspired or include the social environment.


“home for me is the place that one belongs to, the roots one sprout­ed from. I believe that wher­ev­er we will wan­der and no mat­ter how far our feet will take us, we will always car­ry our home with us.”


The work series krinitzi 45, apt. 6 is ded­i­cat­ed to Naa­ma Roths grand­moth­er, an Auschwitz sur­vivor, who died a few years ago at the advanced age of 92. She had been a pho­tog­ra­ph­er and her home had always been the set­ting of unique visu­al hap­pen­ings. As a trib­ute to her grand­moth­er, Naa­ma Roth used the medi­um of pho­tog­ra­phy exclu­sive­ly, for the first time. All pho­tographs are tak­en in her grandmother’s house which had remained unchanged. They show details of the fur­nish­ings as if fall­en out of time, sub­tle motifs of great aes­thet­ics and calm in which the absence of a loved one becomes evident.

Foto: Shai Yehezkelli

web residency

Krinitzi 45, Apt’ 6

artist talks