swoosh lieu


Rosa Wer­necke, Katha­ri­na Pelosi, and Johan­na Castell are Swoosh Lieu, a fem­i­nist col­lec­tive cre­at­ing at the inter­face of the­ater, per­for­mance, and visu­al arts. Swoosh Lieu works with space, light, sound, and video, pro­duc­ing audio-visu­al setups that cri­tique polit­i­cal issues. They have ini­ti­at­ed the project A Fem­i­nist Guide to Ner­dom, fea­tur­ing inter­na­tion­al female media artists and devel­op­ing net­works among them.


“Gen­der is a social con­struct. Work has male or female con­no­ta­tions. (…) We have to talk about that – at all lev­els: soci­ety, art, media, and cul­ture. As artists, we can use our vis­i­bil­i­ty or audi­bil­i­ty to spread such top­ics and ini­ti­ate pub­lic debates.” (Source)


Accord­ing to Vir­ginia Woolf in her 1929 essay A Room of One’s Own, a woman must have mon­ey and a room of her own in order to write. Woolf could hard­ly have imag­ined that almost one hun­dred years lat­er there would still be a need to fight for space and inde­pen­dence. Many of the fem­i­nist man­i­festos of the last cen­tu­ry read sur­pris­ing­ly up-to-date. In the instal­la­tion </A “Man­i­festo” of= {every} One.s Own> the audi­ence encoun­ters an archive of texts, sounds, and images, an ensem­ble of stage tech­nol­o­gy and arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence. The inter­ac­tive, com­put­er-based instal­la­tion, which can be con­trolled by the vis­i­tor, explores our ideas for col­lec­tive polit­i­cal action and, fol­low­ing the foot­prints of fem­i­nist his­to­ry, con­sid­ers the poten­tial of a utopi­an future.

Foto: Swoosh Lieu

web residency

A Room For One’s Own

artist talks