a room of one’s own

swoosh lieu

For the process and research, we explored the inter­ac­tive and dig­i­tal rehearsal tool “Nota” (www.nota.space) and cre­at­ed the dig­i­tal space “A Room of Our Own“.
An infi­nite room in which you can zoom in and move through with your mouse. If you lose ori­en­ta­tion, just click on “Cen­ter” at the top. Google Chrome is recommended.

“A woman must have mon­ey and a room of her own if she is to write,” wrote Vir­ginia Woolf in her 1929 essay ‘A Room of One’s Own’. Over 90 years lat­er this alle­go­ry of finan­cial and spa­tial inde­pen­dence is more rel­e­vant than ever. While we expe­ri­ence a fem­i­nist back­lash dur­ing the cri­sis caused by the Coro­na virus, women are repeat­ed­ly find­ing that doors are being closed to them and their spaces are becom­ing small­er or being tak­en away entire­ly. In an audio-visu­al adap­ta­tion of Vir­ginia Woolf’s text, Swoosh Lieu inquire into what the spaces must look like where we can eman­ci­pate our­selves and find self-ful­fil­ment. What means do we need to use to talk about and imag­ine these spaces in order to actu­al­ly allow them to come into being? Based on these ques­tions, the cam­era moves through the emp­ty the­atre space dur­ing lock­down, explor­ing places and per­spec­tives, vis­i­bil­i­ties and vol­umes, points of access and lim­i­ta­tions. In between, it dives into real and vir­tu­al imag­i­nary spaces, dis­ap­pears into green screens and dis­co balls – until it final­ly takes off to a new hori­zon, beyond which there is room for every­one and we are not alone.


2021, Mar 5

Filmstill „A Room of our own – Performance for Browser and variable audience“
Film­still „A Room of our own – Per­for­mance for Brows­er and vari­able audience“
Filmstill „A Room of our own – Performance for Browser and variable audience“
Filmstill „A Room of our own – Performance for Browser and variable audience“
Filmstill „A Room of our own – Performance for Browser and variable audience“
Filmstill „A Room of our own – Performance for Browser and variable audience“
Filmstill „A Room of our own – Performance for Browser and variable audience“
Filmstill „A Room of our own – Performance for Browser and variable audience“
Filmstill „A Room of our own – Performance for Browser and variable audience“
Filmstill „A Room of our own – Performance for Browser and variable audience“
Filmstill „A Room of our own – Performance for Browser and variable audience“
Filmstill „A Room of our own – Performance for Browser and variable audience“
Filmstill „A Room of our own – Performance for Browser and variable audience“
Filmstill „A Room of our own – Performance for Browser and variable audience“
Filmstill „A Room of our own – Performance for Browser and variable audience“
Filmstill „A Room of our own – Performance for Browser and variable audience“
Filmstill „A Room of our own – Performance for Browser and variable audience“
Filmstill „A Room of our own – Performance for Browser and variable audience“

2021, Jan 11